Home of the official Mardi Gras throw shirt, is a cutting-edge screen printing, embroidery, and promotional item company located in New Orleans. We specialize in the corporate casual clothing market with products such as printed t-shirts, embroidered golf shirts, hats, jackets, and much more!
Our website will allow you to search our entire product catalog, request quotes, and even place an order! With over 1,000,000 products to choose from we know that you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Are you riding in a parade this Mardi Gras? Faux Pas is the home of the official Mardi Gras throw shirts! Why throw ordinary beads and trinkets when you can throw something that people really want…a T-SHIRT! Have you ever enjoyed getting hit in the face with a pack of beads? Beads hurt…throw shirts! Parade-goers just want to get #shirtfaced.
Thank you and get #shirtfaced this Mardi Gras!
*Please note that quantity & embellishment will affect final price. Shipping and handling not included in pricing. Please contact your sales rep. 504-834-8342.
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